English Cantonese
友善列印 告訴朋友

Academy 12540(1642) 1/72 SR-71A Blackbird(M-21) & GTD-21 Drone(D-21)

重量0.48 kg
  • SF-71 in service 1964 ~1998
  • U.S.A.F.
  • SR-71 Blackbird was a long-range, Mach 3+ strategic reconnaissance aircraft
  • Modified A-12 (M-21), a two-seat variant of SR-71, carried and launched the Lockheed D-21, an unmanned, faster and higher-flying reconnaissance drone. The M-21 had a pylon on its back for mounting the drone and a second cockpit for a Launch Control Operator/Officer (LCO). The D-21 was autonomous; after launch, it would fly over the target, travel to a predetermined rendezvous point, eject its data package, and self-destruct. AC-130 Hercules would catch the package in midair.
  • The M-21 program was canceled in 1966 after a drone collided with the mother ship at launch.
Modified A-12 (M-21) carrying D-21 drone in flight. [Photo from Wiki]
SR-71 Blackbird with D-21 drone on top, in the "Museum of Flight", Seattle. [Photo from Wiki]